On the 21 April, the WA joined up with ForrestBrown, the UK’s largest specialist R&D tax relief consultancy, to deliver this WBA specific 30-minute webinar. ForrestBrown’s marine sector specialist Mike Harrison and Adam Kotas CTA explained: How marine businesses can claim R&D tax relief How to capture the full value of your R&D work How […]
Category: Guidance
Guide to Brexit for the Workboat Industry
Following two workshops held during the Transition Period between the Workboat Association, UK Department for Transport and the Maritime and Coastguard Agency – the following guide has been created for stakeholders of the Workboat Industry. In the coming months before the end of 2020, independent agreements with foreign countries and their maritime administrations may happen, […]
Launch of: Carriage of Dangerous Goods on Workboats GPG
Dangerous Goods Good Practice Guide GPG
BREXIT – Update Page (*new info)
A page dedicated to Brexit updates and official promulgation . Update #1 Update #2 July 2020 – The UK’s Points-Based Immigration System: Further Details Update #3 August 2020 – Three steps to prepare for the end of the transition period (Advice for business) Update #4 August 2020 – Importing goods from January 2021: The UK […]
COVID-19 Information for the Workboat Industry
Guidance and Best Practice from Industry and Regulators “Please note that as of 15.07.2020 the bi-weekly meeting will stop routine organisation, though should there be need to re-hold a meeting or if the current situation or controls change; a meeting will be re-scheduled” Listed here you will find a number of Recommendations, Guidance, Best Practice […]
Workboat Code Explained – Interactive Guide
Download the Workboat Association’s ‘Workboat Code Explained’ Interactive Guide . This guide provides clear explanation to the background of the Workboat code, the development of the code since its beginning in 1994, implementation of Workboat Code 2 and much more… Download the guide for free here (This tool requires Microsoft Powerpoint to function as intended) […]
Make the best of working from home
Professor Stephen Heppell provides some clear and practical advice for making the best of working from home. See original link: http://heppell.net/home/ “appreciating that not everyone is currently able or expected to work at home, many jobs can only be done directly (eg health professionals, bus drivers [or marine crew]) but for many of you the […]
Greening the Offshore Wind Workboat fleet
An article written for the Workboat Association by Sue Allen of 4C Offshore Ltd “Optimising current performance is the first stage. Excitingly, workboat operators in the offshore wind industry are leading on innovative vessel design. Investment in new hulls which improve seakeeping without sacrificing fuel consumption” When the client is paying for fuel, there would […]
Post Brexit Continuity for overseas UK coded vessel operations
Concerned about Brexit? The Workboat Association has been working with the UK and key industry stakeholder country Governments to detail what life after Brexit may look like for UK ‘coded’ vessels working outside of UK domestic waters. The following research document has been created: Post Brexit Overseas Continuity 2
UK Coded Workboats working in Belgium
This notice has been created together with the Belgian Maritime Inspectorate (BMI). Dated 28.10.2019 The following allowances are accepted for UK coded Workboats operating in Belgian waters; UK Coded Workboats are still permitted to work in Belgian waters, meanwhile the Belgian and UK governments will be in communication to discuss a possible agreement ensuring […]
The Voluntary Towing Endorsement Scheme
The Voluntary Towing Endorsement Scheme Scope The Workboat Association is recognised as an issuing authority by the MCA for the issuance of Voluntary Towage Endorsements (VTE) based upon specifications outlined in MGN 468. The purpose of this endorsement is to confirm the seafarer’s specific knowledge, understanding and proficiency needed to safely operate in this area […]
The latest Brexit preparation news (Oct 19)
The UK will leave the EU on 31 October 2019 You are receiving this email from the Department for International Trade (DIT) because we support businesses to trade internationally. If you are a UK business that imports and/or exports, you will need to act now to prepare for the changes that will affect your trading […]