Seawork: WA Dinner Quiz Winners 2024!

Who won this years coveted (imaginary) trophy of being the brainiest bunch within the workboat industry?

This year, 168 diners battled it out to win the crown of superiority within the industry, kindly sponsored by Carmet Tug Company, and there were actually 2 winning tables, with many not so far behind them either. *Full results below

Tables 3 and 9 are the 2024 winners! Both with 56 points

Congratulations to:

Table 3 – LA Marine Law, Williams Shipping, Lys, UKSA, MSSC

Table 9 – Acta Jifmar, Naupilus, Seazip

Did you miss the quiz and want to give it a go, or are you keen to know the answers? You can download the files here:

Seawork: WA Dinner Quiz Winners 2024!